Wednesday, October 12, 2011

SSPP JHQ Delhi President (2011-2013) Kitelding Theihsakna

No. 1/ CEC- SSPP (JHQD)/20011(1)
Office of the Chief Election Commissioner,
SSPP Joint Headquarters, Delhi


Siamsinpawlpi GHQ Election Commission phalsakna dungzui in, JHQ Delhi a President (2011-2013) dinmun len ding kitelna neih dingdan, JHQ Executive Committee deihna toh kituak in hiai anuai a bang in theihsakna kon suah hi :-

1. Kiteelni ding: October 29, 2011 ( Kiginni)
2. Amun ding: Shah Auditorium, (New Delhi)

3. Kiteelna vaisaitu dingte:
i) N. Vumsuan, mob. 9818567445, email:
ii) Nemngaihkim, mob. 9717111344, email:
iii) V. Jamthianmung, Mob. 9968311790

4. Nomination bawltheih hun: Sept. 26, 2011 –October 14, 2011 SSPP Constitution Article 4 (2)/ Article 10 (1) dungzui a chinna nei,
Art. 4 (2)a) He/She must be a bonafide primary member of the Association.
b) He/She must have attained not less than 25 years.
c) He/She must be a degree holder recognised by any University at least graduation level.
d) He/She must not be an employed under the Central/State/Government/Semi-Goverment/any firm or Institution run by the Government.
e) He/She must be a person of good character not indulged in intoxication habits and socially a person of good reputation.
f) He/She must not be an insane or mentally ailing person.
g) He/She must not be a person holding a charge or post of any political party.
h) He/She must not be a person involving in some divisive political dealing.
i) He must be a member of the general body paying the membership fee at least for 3 three consecutive preceding years.
Art. 10(i) 
(i) The JHQ and HQ shall follow similar pattern in forming each of their administration heads as laid down in Section II Article 4 & 5 of the constitution.

SSPP JHQ President dinmun lennuam kuapeuh mah in - (a) Min (b) Pa Min (c) Siamna, (d) Address (e) Mahni Suai, (f) Theihpihtu mi 2 or a sang a tamzaw te min, suai leh address te tuangvek in kiteelna vaisaitu khatpeuh kiang ah hunchiam sung a piaklut ding ahi

5. Scrutiny of candidates: October 15,2011

6. Final publication of candidates list: October 23,2011

7. Vote khethei dingte: SSPP constitution Article 2 a kigente ahi ding.

Chief Election Commissioner

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