Monday, June 20, 2011


19th June 2011/Moirang, Bishnupur, Manipur In a astounding incident, a fish farmer in Manipur experienced loss of consciousness for over 18 hours after he claimed he was hit by shockwave transmitted from an unidentified flying object. The fish farmer was trying out his in-built video camera on his brand new Chinese made mobile phone when he accidentally filmed the UFO hovering over his fish farm in Bishnupur district. This is the startling footage of an unidentified flying object, filmed by a fish farmer in Manipur. After filming for 19 seconds, 32 years Kumam Koiremba experienced loss of consciousness. According to his family, he was in a semi-unconscious state
of over 18 hours after he sighted the UFO in his fish farm, located at Ngangkha lawai, Moirang near loktak lake. Doctor's diagnosis read 'loss of consciousness, showing signs of weakness with non-responsive motor response.' Puzzled at his claim of being hit by a UFO shockwave, he was discharge after placing him under few hours of observation. However Kumam Koiremba still complains of weakness and exhaustion after his 'changed encounter' with the UFO.
Click Below To View the Footage:
Video Courtesy: Sunzu Bachaspatimayum (Facebook)

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Watch: Zogam Salpha Raja Goukhothang